The Center for Functional Materials Development (CDMF) studies chemical materials that can have various functions and applications in nature. These materials are applied to LEDs, organic structures, thin films and many other destinations because of their photoluminescent, biodegradant and bactericidal properties.
CDMF is one of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPID) supported by FAPESP. The Center also receives investment from CNPq, from the National Institute of Nanotechnology Materials Science and Technology (INCTMN), integrating a research network between Paulista State University (UNESP), Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), University of São Paulo (USP) and Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN).
Know the main lines of research of CDMF:
RENEWABLE ENERGY: It is characterized by the study and development of multifunctional materials with clean energy characteristics that do not harm the environment and can be reused.
ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: The materials studied by the CDMF may have biodegradable characteristics and may be used to clean rivers and various other ecosystems that may suffer from environmental pollution.
HEALTH: Multifunctional materials can also act against fungi and bacteria, presenting bactericidal property. These compounds are used in healthcare by applying these materials to the surface of prosthetics and other objects that are in contact with our body, such as toothbrushes or even food packaging.