Writers: Cleber A. Amorim, Cleocir J. Dalmaschio, Edson R. Leite, Adenilson J. Chiquito
Keywords: field effect transistor; electronic transport; electron mobility
Abstract: Fluorine doped SnO2 (FTO) nanobelts were synthesized and their transport properties, such as conduction mechanism, mobility, carrier density and density of states (DOS) were investigated. Variable range hopping was observed as the dominant mechanism in a large range of temperature (40–260 K). Through these data we estimated the localization length and hopping distance at 300 K of FTO nanobelts exhibiting a three-dimensional character for carrier transport. The carrier mobility was calculated to be 48 cm2 V−1 s−1 for samples with carrier density of 2 × 1018 cm−3. Taking into account the parameters obtained from temperature-dependent resistivity and the above data, the characteristic DOS at Fermi level in our samples was found.
DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/47/4/045301
See PDF: Fluorine doped SnO2 FTO nanobelts some data on electronic parameters