Writers: Alessandra Alves Correa; Roger Gonçalves; Rodrigo Pereira; Ernesto Chaves Pereira
Keywords: conducting polymers; electrochemistry; properties and characterization
Abstract: The effect of the electropolymerization of seven poly(3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) films in the same used monomer solution have been investigated. Cyclic voltammetry, UV-visible, scanning electron microscopy, and electrochemical impedance measurements were carried out to understand the effect of the solution reusing on the polymer electrochemical properties. The obtained results show that, as the solution is reused, the polymerization rate increase and the charge in of the cyclic voltammetry decrease. Besides, there are important changes in the sample’s morphologies, with the increase of the synthesis number, the amount of fibers increase and this leads to lower the conductivity of the polymer film. In agreement to this, the impedance data analysis shown important changes in the interfacial electronic parameters, i.e., changer transfer resistance and double-layer capacitance, used to describe the films.