Order-disorder phenomena and octahedral tilting in SrTi1-XSnXO3 perovskites – A structural and spectroscopic study

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Order-disorder phenomena and octahedral tilting in SrTi1-XSnXO3 perovskites – A structural and spectroscopic study

Abstract: Oxides of the type SrTi1-xSnxO3 have been prepared using both a solid state and polymeric precursor method and characterized using high-resolution Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Absorption and Raman spectroscopies. The diffraction measurements demonstrate that a continuous pseudo-solid solution exists between the cubic SrTiO3 and orthorhombic SrSnO3 end-members with the same sequence of structures cubic ̅Pm3̅m → tetragonal I4/mcm → orthorhombic Imma → orthorhombic Pnma being observed irrespective of the preparation method. The Raman and XAS measurements revealed the presence of extensive disorder in samples treated at low temperatures, and that this disorder is reduced, but not totally eliminated, by annealing above 1300 °C. It is likely the local structure evolves similarly to that established by S-XRD for samples annealed above 1300 °C. This postulate is supported by the Ti K-edge XANES measurements that showed the local symmetry of the Ti cation evolves systematically as Sn4+ ions replace the Ti4+cations in the samples, irrespective of the temperature to which the sample had been heated.

Author(s): Lavinseky, Anderson B. S.; Welsch, Anna-Maria; Kennedy, Brendan J.; et al.

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume: 269 Pages: 521-531 Published: 2019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2018.10.006

PDF: Order-disorder phenomena and octahedral tilting in SrTi1-XSnXO3 perovskites – A structural and spectroscopic study

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