Towards the scale-up of the formation of nanoparticles on alpha-Ag2WO4 with bactericidal properties by femtosecond laser irradiation


Towards the scale-up of the formation of nanoparticles on alpha-Ag2WO4 with bactericidal properties by femtosecond laser irradiation

Abstract: In recent years, complex nanocomposites formed by Ag nanoparticles coupled to an alpha-Ag2WO4 semiconductor network have emerged as promising bactericides, where the semiconductor attracts bacterial agents and Ag nanoparticles neutralize them. However, the production rate of such materials has been limited to transmission electron microscope processing, making it difficult to cross the barrier from basic research to real applications. The interaction between pulsed laser radiation and alpha-Ag2WO4 has revealed a new processing alternative to scale up the production of the nanocomposite resulting in a 32-fold improvement of bactericidal performance, and at the same time obtaining a new class of spherical AgxWyOz nanoparticles.

Authors:: Assis, M.; Cordoncillo, E. ; Torres-Mendieta, R.; Beltran-Mir, H. ; Minguez-Vega, G. ; Oliveira, R. ; Leite, E. R. ; Foggi, C. C. ; Vergani, C. E. ; Longo, E. & Andres, J.


v. 8, JAN 30 2018

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-19270-9

PDF: Towards the scale-up of the formation of nanoparticles on alpha-Ag2WO4 with bactericidal properties by femtosecond laser irradiation

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