Sintering evaluation of doped lanthanum gallate based on thermodilatometry


Sintering evaluation of doped lanthanum gallate based on thermodilatometry

Abstract: The sintering behavior of La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-delta oxide-ion conductor was systematically investigated by thermodilatometry. The shrinkage data obtained with heating rates of 4, 7, 10 and 12 degrees C min(-1) were analyzed by the constant rate of heating model and by construction of the master sintering curve. Validation of the master sintering curve was carried out by measurements of density in conventionally sintered specimens. Slight anisotropy of shrinkage data was found and changes to the basic equation of density was proposed to account for this effect. Plotting the data determined by the constant rate of heating model versus density allowed an easy identification of the density range of constant activation energy. The activation energy (865 kJ moL(-1)) obtained from the master sintering curve correlates quite well with that (874 kJ mol(-1)) obtained by the constant rate of heating model.

Author(s):  Batista, RM; Reis, SL; Muccillo, RMuccillo, ENS


Volume: 45 Pages: 5218-5222 Published: APR 1 2019

PDF: Sintering evaluation of doped lanthanum gallate based on thermodilatometry

DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.11.217

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