Writers: Ana C. de O. Gomes, Isabela M. M. Machado, Adhemar C. Ruvolo Filho, Luiz A. Pessan, Caio M. Paranhos
Keywords: Polymeric membrane; nanocomposite; fuel cell; polymeric electrolyte
Abstract: Ion-conducting polymeric membranes have been studied for use in fuel cells. However, polymeric membranes available in the market show some disadvantages. Here we modified polycarbonate chemically for use as ion-conducting membranes, and investigated its performance. The use of the nanoclay sepiolite aimed at improving the mechanical and thermal resistance, which are negatively affected by polymer sulphonation. The membranes were
evaluated using FTIR, DSC, TGA, DMA, water swelling, water vapor uptake and ionic migration resistance. The results indicated it to be possible to reach a tradeoff between structure and properties for obtaining high-performance membranes.
DOI: 10.4322/polimeros.2013.049