Preparation and characterization the composite PVDF/Pani with nickel particles


Preparation and characterization the composite PVDF/Pani with nickel particles

Abstract: In this work nickel particles were incorporated by physically mixing of resulting powder blends of PVDF/Pani, obtained by chemical synthesis. Homogeneous films were obtained by hot pressing at 180 degrees C. From the results could be noted favorable and unfavorable changes in the properties of composites after incorporation and how this become dependent of the incorporation. The results of diffraction showed the characteristic peaks of both the a phase of the polymer matrix and the nickel particles, and with thermal analysis, no change in the conformational structure and configurational. Even with a good thermal stability incorporating, indicates that besides the presence of the conducting polymer as the increase of particles are harmful to the final mechanical properties of the sample. Micrographs showed particles dispersed throughout the film and determinants to electrical conductivity values and achieving a magnetic phase.

Author(s):  Dias, GD; de Paula, FR; Malmonge, JA; Malmonge, LF


Volume: 27 Pages: 116-126 Published: 2017

PDF: Preparation and characterization the composite PVDFPani with nickel particles

DOI: 10.1590/0104-1428.2277

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