Electrochemical Deposition of the Single Phase TlxCu3-xSe2 Thin Films
Abstract: In spite of selenide semiconductors having a wide application area, TlCu2Se2(TCSe) is poorly studied and its synthesis by non-vacuum or thermic methodology in film form is non-existent. Generally, the main problems of applying these TCSe compounds are related to complicated single phase growth. and the great time consuming and non-scalable fabrication method. In this work, the facile, fast, scalable and new electrochemical deposition of this material was proposed as a workaround for these main problems and obtaining single phase thin film. Thus, the electrodeposited TlxCu3-xSe2 films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction (with Rietveld refinement) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. They showed interesting variation of composition (x =1.1,1.2, and 1.25) and morphology as function of the electrodeposition potential, electrolytic bath temperature and thermal treatment.
Author(s): Lucas, FWS; Mascaro, LH
Volume: 29 Pages: 2449-2456 Published: DEC 2018
PDF: Electrochemical Deposition of the Single Phase TlxCu3-xSe2 Thin Films
DOI: 10.21577/0103-5053.20180122