Nanocrystals self-assembled in superlattices directed by the solvent-organic capping interaction (vol 5, pg 5602, 2013)
Abstract: Correction for ‘Nanocrystals self-assembled in superlattices directed by the solvent–organic capping interaction’ by Cleocir José Dalmaschio et al., Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 5602–5610. The authors have noticed an error in Fig. 4 in the original article. In the previously published figure, Fig. 4a and c are identical, due to an error when creating the figure. The new Fig. 4 provided below replaces the originally published figure and contains the correct images. This error does not affect the experimental data, results analysis and conclusions of the work.
Author(s): Dalmaschio, CJ; Firmiano, EGD; Pinheiro, AN; Sobrinho, DG; de Moura, AF; Leite, ER
Volume: 10 Pages: 8869-8869 Published: MAY 14 2018
DOI: 10.1039/c8nr90085j