Zika Virus After Emergency Response: Can the ICF Guide Rehabilitation of Children With Microcephaly?

Zika Virus After Emergency Response: Can the ICF Guide Rehabilitation of Children With Microcephaly?

Abstract: The outbreak of Zika in Brazil almost 3 years ago had harmful medical, financial, and social consequences for children and their families. It also significantly increased the statistics of Brazilian children with disabilities being followed up in rehabilitation centers. Actions promoting the use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework are encouraged in view of the complex health needs identified in this population, which cover all areas of functioning, and gain special relevance when it comes to a vulnerable context. This perspective article discusses the challenges related to the implementation of the ICF in rehabilitation services for children with congenital syndrome.



Volume: 31 Pages: 370-372 Published: OCT 2019

DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000647

Sobre LAbI UFSCar 2933 Artigos
O Laboratório Aberto de Interatividade para Disseminação do Conhecimento Científico e Tecnológico (LAbI), vinculado à Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), é voltado à prática da divulgação científica pautada na interatividade; nas relações entre Ciência, Arte e Tecnologia.