Emerson Rodrigues de Camargo

Main Researcher

Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET)

País: Brasil

B.Sc. in Chemistry (1996) and M.Sc. in Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos (1998), Ph.D. in Sciences from the Tokyo Institute of Technology (2001) where he received the Tejima Award for best doctoral thesis by a foreign student in 2001. Post-doctoral studies in Brazil and Japan in topics related to nanometric materials. Worked as a researcher at Orbys Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia de Materiais Ltda. between 2005 and 2006 and is currently an Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department of UFSCar – Federal University of São Carlos in the area of physical-chemistry of materials, being accredited as a PPGQ/UFSCar advisor since 2007 and completed the supervision of ten MSc dissertations and five PhD theses. He has experience in the chemistry of nanometric materials, such as complex oxides, polymeric nanocomposites and wet synthesis of materials. He is currently developing research on biomaterials and hybrid materials using wet synthesis routes and colloid chemistry, working at CEPID/CDMF-Center for the Development of Functional Materials, collaborating with several researchers in Brazil and in the USA, Japan and Portugal, besides supporting technological research in several companies.