Effect of inhomogeneous Schottky barrier height of SnO2 nanowires device

Semiconductor Science and Technology

Effect of inhomogeneous Schottky barrier height of SnO2 nanowires device

Abstract: The current–voltage (IV) characteristics of metal–semiconductor junction (Au–Ni/SnO2/Au–Ni) Schottky barrier in SnO2 nanowires were investigated over a wide temperature range. By using the Schottky–Mott model, the zero bias barrier height Φ B was estimated from IV characteristics, and it was found to increase with increasing temperature; on the other hand the ideality factor (n) was found to decrease with increasing temperature. The variation in the Schottky barrier and n was attributed to the spatial inhomogeneity of the Schottky barrier height. The experimental IVcharacteristics exhibited a Gaussian distribution having mean barrier heights ${\overline{{\rm{\Phi }}}}_{B}$ of 0.30 eV and standard deviation σ s of 60 meV. Additionally, the Richardson modified constant was obtained to be 70 A cm−2 K−2, leading to an effective mass of 0.58m 0. Consequently, the temperature dependence of IV characteristics of the SnO2 nanowire devices can be successfully explained on the Schottky–Mott theory framework taking into account a Gaussian distribution of barrier heights.

Author(s): Amorim, Cleber A.; Bernardo, Eric P.; Leite, Edson R.; et al.

Semiconductor Science and Technology

Volume: 33 Issue: Published: 2018

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1361-6641/aab69e

PDF: Effect of inhomogeneous Schottky barrier height of SnO2 nanowires device

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