Anomalous remnant magnetization in dilute antiferromagnetic Gd 1 − x Y x B 4

Phys. Rev. Materials

Anomalous remnant magnetization in dilute antiferromagnetic Gd1xYxB4

Abstract: Magnetic properties of dilute single crystals of Gd1xYxB4 (x=0, 0.2, and 0.4) were systematically studied. These antiferromagnetic Shastry-Sutherland compounds display a remnant magnetization MRwhen field cooled below the Néel temperature TN. The magnitude of MR at low magnetic fields is magnetic field dependent, increasing with increasing magnetic fields, and it saturates for H30 Oe. The MR(T) data for both x=0.2 and 0.4 compositions overlap, and the remnant magnetization follows a universal behavior. We argue that these findings are explained by taking into account the formation of magnetic domains within the crystals, originating from the dilution of a magnetically frustrated, antiferromagnetic sublattice.

Authors: S. H. Masunaga, V. B. Barbeta, R. F. Jardim, C. C. Becerra, M. S. Torikachvili, P. F. S. Rosa, and Z. Fisk

Phys. Rev. Materials

Volume 2, 084415 – Published 31 August 2018



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