Unraveling the Role of Sn Segregation in the Electronic Transport of Polycrystalline Hematite: Raising the Electronic Conductivity by Lowering the Grain-Boundary Blocking Effect


Unraveling the Role of Sn Segregation in the Electronic Transport of Polycrystalline Hematite: Raising the Electronic Conductivity by Lowering the Grain-Boundary Blocking Effect

Abstract: This paper describes the role of SnO2 in the electronic transport of polycrystalline hematite (alpha-Fe2O3). The proper sintering process allows for freezing of a state of electronic defects, in which the electrical properties of hematite are controlled by the grain boundary and Sn segregation. Impedance spectroscopy and dc conductivity measurements show that current flows through preferential pathways associated with Sn segregation that occurs at the grain boundary, leading to a decrease in grain-boundary resistance. Atomic force microscopy and electric force microscopy measurements confirm the results of the impedance analysis. The identification of preferential grain boundaries for electrical conductivity may have a direct influence on the light-induced water-splitting performance of the hematite photoanode.

Author(s): Soares, MRS; Costa, CAR; Lanzoni, EM; Bettini, J; Ramirez, CAO; Souza, FL; Longo, ELeite, ER


Volume: 5 Published: JUN 2019

DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201900065

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