A Facile and Green Synthesis of a MoO2-Reduced Graphene Oxide Aerogel for Energy Storage Devices


A Facile and Green Synthesis of a MoO2-Reduced Graphene Oxide Aerogel for Energy Storage Devices

Abstract: A simple, low cost, and “green” method of hydrothermal synthesis, based on the addition of l-ascorbic acid (l-AA) as a reducing agent, is presented in order to obtain reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and hybrid rGO-MoO2 aerogels for the fabrication of supercapacitors. The resulting high degree of chemical reduction of graphene oxide (GO), confirmed by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) analysis, is shown to produce a better electrical double layer (EDL) capacitance, as shown by cyclic voltammetric (CV) measurements. Moreover, a good reduction yield of the carbonaceous 3D-scaffold seems to be achievable even when the precursor of molybdenum oxide is added to the pristine slurry in order to get the hybrid rGO-MoO2 compound. The pseudocapacitance contribution from the resulting embedded MoO2microstructures, was then studied by means of CV and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The oxidation state of the molybdenum in the MoO2 particles embedded in the rGO aerogel was deeply studied by means of XPS analysis and valuable information on the electrochemical behavior, according to the involved redox reactions, was obtained. Finally, the increased stability of the aerogels prepared with l-AA, after charge-discharge cycling, was demonstrated and confirmed by means of Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) characterization.

Author(s): Serrapede, M; Fontana, M; Gigot, A; Armandi, M; Biasotto, G;  Tresso, E; Rivolo, P


Published: Jan 28 2020

DOI: 10.3390/ma13030594

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