
Synthesis of cobalt(II)-α-diimines complexes and their activity as mediators in organometallic mediated radical polymerization of vinyl acetate

3 de abril de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

Synthesis of cobalt(II)-α-diimines complexes and their activity as mediators in organometallic mediated radical polymerization of vinyl acetate Abstract: This study describes the synthesis and characterization of three α-diimine-cobalt complexes of the type [CoCl2(R-DAB)] (R-DAB = RNCHCHNR; R = Mes, Dipp […]


Characterization of crystalline structure and free volume of polyamide 6/nitrile rubber elastomer thermoplastic vulcanizates: Effect of the processing additives

30 de março de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

Characterization of crystalline structure and free volume of polyamide 6/nitrile rubber elastomer thermoplastic vulcanizates: Effect of the processing additives Abstract: Blends of polyamide 6 and nitrile rubber (PA6/NBR) dynamically vulcanized may generate innovative products for special […]


Série de vídeos homenageia os 30 anos do LIEC

20 de março de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

Uma série de vídeos com alunos, pesquisadores e professores da UFSCar e de outras Universidades foi produzida para comemorar o aniversário do Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Eletroquímica e Cerâmica (LIEC) quecompleta 30 anos atuando na fronteira do […]

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