CDMF na Mídia

Vidro bioativo poderá tratar câncer ósseo

8 de maio de 2023 LAbI UFSCar 0

Vidro bioativo poderá tratar câncer ósseo Suzel Tunes – Revista Pesquisa FAPESP A engenheira de materiais paraibana Geovana Lira Santana conheceu as propriedades do F18, um vidro bioativo capaz de estimular a regeneração óssea, ao […]


Dielectric, electric, and piezoelectric properties of three-phase piezoelectric composite based on castor-oil polyurethane, lead zirconate titanate particles and multiwall carbon nanotubes

4 de maio de 2023 LAbI UFSCar 0

Dielectric, electric, and piezoelectric properties of three-phase piezoelectric composite based on castor-oil polyurethane, lead zirconate titanate particles and multiwall carbon nanotubes Abstract: The effects of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on the electrical, dielectric, and piezoelectric […]

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