Nanocomposites of polyethylene/polyaniline/graphite with special morphology


Nanocomposites of polyethylene/polyaniline/graphite with special morphology

Abstract: Nanofillers of polyaniline nanofibers (PANI) with graphite oxide (GO) or reduced graphite oxide (rGO) were synthesized and characterized. Four samples of PANI/graphite with 10% and 30% of GO or rGO were obtained. The addition of GO or rGO in PANI nanofibers increased the conductivity and improved the thermal stability of the nanofillers. These nanofillers were used in the in situ ethylene polymerization producing PE/PANI/graphite nanocomposites characterized by SEM and TEM, revealing very particular morphologies. PANI/GO or PANI/rGO nanoparticles showed a good dispersion in polyethylene, and an increase in the thermal stability of the final material was observed. POLYM. COMPOS., 39:3645-3655, 2018. (c) 2017 Society of Plastics Engineers

Author(s): Lentz, AM; Gheno, G; Maraschin, T; Malmonge, JA; Basso, NRD; Balzaretti, NM; Milani, MA; Galland, GB


Volume: 39 Pages: 3645-3655 Published: OCT 2018

PDF: Nanocomposites of polyethylenepolyanilinegraphite with special morphology

DOI: 10.1002/pc.24392

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