Unconventional Magnetization Generated from Electron Beam and Femtosecond Irradiation on α‑Ag2WO4: A Quantum Chemical Investigation

ACS Omega

Unconventional Magnetization Generated from Electron Beam and Femtosecond Irradiation on α‑Ag2WO4: A Quantum Chemical Investigation

Abstract: Novel magnetic metals and metal oxides that use both the spin and charge of an electron offer exciting technological applications. Their discovery could boost research on functional nanoscale materials. Here, for the first time, we report the magnetization of α-Ag2WO4 under electron beam and femtosecond laser irradiation. The formation and growth of silver oxides (AgO, Ag2O, and Ag3O4) and Ag nanofilaments can be observed on the surface of α-Ag2WO4 crystals. These features were also present in the composition of an extruded material and could open new avenues for surface magnetism studies. In order to understand these results, we used first-principles density functional theory calculations. This allowed us to investigate several potential scenarios for controlling magnetic properties. The effect of electron addition on the crystalline structures of α-Ag2WO4, Ag3O4, Ag2O, and AgO has been analyzed in detail. The creation of Ag and O vacancies on these compounds was also analyzed. Based on structural and electronic changes at the local coordination site of Ag, a mechanism was proposed. The mechanism illustrates the processes responsible for the formation and growth of metallic Ag and the magnetic response to electron beam irradiation.

Author(s): Assis, M; Ribeiro, RAP; Carvalho,MH; Teixeira, MM; Gobato, YG; Prando, GA; Mendonça, CR; Boni, L; Oliveira, AJA; Bettini,J;  Andres, J; Longo, E

ACS Omega

Published: April 21, 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c00542

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