Magnetodielectric and magnetoelectric correlation in (1-x)PMN-PT/ xCFO 0e3 particulate composites

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Magnetodielectric and magnetoelectric correlation in (1-x)PMN-PT/ xCFO 0e3 particulate composites

Abstract: A multiferroic composite consisting of single phases of 30 vol.% magnetostrictive ferrite and 70 vol.% relaxor ferroelectric has been synthesized. The ferrite exhibits a diffuse dielectric phase transition (DPT)with the transition temperature varying from 450 K to 600 K and an activation energy of 0.29 eV. Magnetically, it has a soft behavior with 70 emug−1 saturation magnetization and a Curie transition at ~620 K. The relaxor ferroelectric phase on the other hand exhibits two clear DPTs at 390 K–400 K and 150 K–300 K. The composite of these two shows a soft ferromagnetic behavior reminiscent of the ferrite along with 3 DPTs. There is strong coupling between the two orders – magnetostrictive and piezoelectric in the composite. The capacitance decreases by 45% in the presence of magnetic field corresponding to a sensitivity of 0.9% kOe−1, an extremely large value. The magnetoelectric coupling constant is found to be 20.6 mVcm−1Oe−1, a large value for a bulk composite. Microwave band stop filters of different thicknesses made from the composite have resonant frequencies which upshift in the presence of magnetic field indicating a multiferroic behavior with possibility for electric field tuning of resonant frequency.

Author(s): Zabotto, FL; Milton, FP; Gualdi, AJ; Oliveira, AJA; Eiras, JA; Garcia, D

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Published: 21 February 2020


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