New nanocarried phenobarbital formulation: Maintains better control of pentylenetetrazole-Induced seizures

Biotechnology Reports

New nanocarried phenobarbital formulation: Maintains better control of pentylenetetrazole-Induced seizures

Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of slow release phenobarbital in the control of convulsions triggered by pentylenetetrazole (PTZ), verifying the time of permanence in the anticonvulsant effect through behavior and electroencephalographic records. A total of 162 male Wistar rats weighing between 100 and 120 g were divided into two groups, one for behavior analysis (n = 90) and biochemistry, and another for the acquisition of electrocorticographic record (n = 72). Hepatic enzymes were measured by obtaining a blood sample from the animals studied by means of a biochemical analysis. The procedures for electrode implant and electrocorticographic recordings were performed. The intercalation of phenobarbital in layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanocarrier allowed us to evaluate a new slow release pharmaceutical formulation based on methodologies that have proven longer residence time and lower side effects. This study demonstrates that phenobarbital can be a new perspective pharmaceutical formulation.

Author(s): Almeida, LCN; Marques, BA; Silva, RL; Hamoy, AO; Mello, VJ; Borges, RS; Brito, FSN; Longo, E; Anicete-Santos, M; Hamoy, M

Biotechnology Reports

Published: December 2020, Volume 28


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