Challenges in the context of single-use plastics and bioplastics in Brazil: A legislative review

Waste Management & Research

Challenges in the context of single-use plastics and bioplastics in Brazil: A legislative review

Abstract: Plastic has been present in our lives for the past century as an essential material for many commodity items. However, the same properties that make plastic convenient are also responsible for the current dramatic environmental pollution. As an alternative, most of the world has been working with technological innovations, and one of its strategies is the use of bioplastics. Despite being considered environmentally beneficial by some people, there are still developments and discussions that need to be made. This article aims to present a legislative review and discusses the difficulty in implementing policies related to the incentive of the bioplastics market, as well as presenting some state and municipal laws, already prohibiting single-use plastics in Brazil. These laws aim to encourage the substitution of these plastics for biodegradable ones. However, it still has gaps and a lack of clarification on how the banning of disposable plastics and their substitution will be beneficial since composting is still an incipient process in the country. It is also the purpose of this article to discuss the challenges in the context of the Circular Economy, as well as the potential solution based on the creation of public policies aimed at improving waste management, in addition to clearer legislation on alternatives to single-use plastics.

Author(s): Lais R, Lima, Rafaela F. Gutierrez and Sandra A. Cruz.

Waste Management & Research


PDF: Challenges in the context of single-use plastics and bioplastics in Brazil: A legislative review



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  1. Pesquisa do CDMF apresenta revisão legislativa e discute os desafios das leis no contexto dos plásticos e bioplásticos no Brasil –

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