
Investigation of the dielectric relaxation processes in PbZr0.65Ti0.35O3–BaFe12O19 multiferroic ceramic composites

17 de agosto de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

Investigation of the dielectric relaxation processes in PbZr0.65Ti0.35O3–BaFe12O19 multiferroic ceramic composites Abstract: The dielectric relaxation processes have been investigated in multiferroic ceramic composites based on the ferroelectric PbZr0.65Ti0.35O3 (PZT) and ferrimagnetic BaFe12O19 (BaM) systems. The frequency dispersion of the complex dielectric permittivity was analyzed over wide […]


CDMF lança game sobre vacinação

13 de agosto de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

O grupo de desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais Ludo Educativo, projeto de extensão do Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais (CDMF- CEPID – FAPESP), acaba de lançar o Vacinax, um game que tem o intuito de […]


Glucose Biosensor Based on the Hexacyanoferrate 11-Mercaptoundecyl-N ‘,N ”,N ”’-trimethylammonium/6-(Ferrocenyl)hexanethiol

13 de agosto de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

Glucose Biosensor Based on the Hexacyanoferrate 11-Mercaptoundecyl-N ‘,N ”,N ”’-trimethylammonium/6-(Ferrocenyl)hexanethiol Abstract: An amperometric glucose biosensor based on on hexacyanoferrate 11-mercaptoundecyl-N’,N”,N”’-trimethylammonium (HMA)/6-(ferrocenyl)hexanethiol (FT)/GOx modified gold electrode was fabricated and evaluated. The GOx/HMA/FT/Au electrode was characterized using […]

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