Fast and efficient microwave-assisted synthesis of CaTiO3
Abstract: The traditional methods to synthesize nanocrystalline materials are energy-intensive and time-consuming. This paper describes a fast and simple route to synthesize CaTiO3, which requires just 30 s of processing in the HTMW system to produce the crystalline orthorhombic phase of CT with a micro-cube-like structure. The product’s crystallinity increases along with synthesis time. A correlation is identified between microwave processing time and structural crystallinity.
Author(s): Pereira, SD; de Figueiredo, AT; Barrado, CM; Stoppa, MH; dos Santos, TO; Pontes, FM; Longo, E
Volume: 4 Published: JUN 2017
PDF: Fast and efficient microwave-assisted synthesis of CaTiO3
DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/aa7483