Use of Ionic Liquid as Template for Hydrothermal Synthesis of the MCM-41 Mesoporous Material


Use of Ionic Liquid as Template for Hydrothermal Synthesis of the MCM-41 Mesoporous Material

Abstract: In this study the MCM-41 mesoporous material was first prepared by using hydrothermal method in the presence of 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([BMMIM]PF6) ionic liquid (IL) as template. The IL presented the average yields between 67 and 76%. The obtained MCM-41 showed the main structural parameters associated with the formation of condensed silica (Si − O − Si), a hexagonal mesostructure with a compact arrangement of cylindrical tubes and agglomerated spherical particles.

Author(s): Costa, J.A.S.; Vedovello, P.; Paranhos, C.M.


Published 13 March 2019


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