
Electrosteric colloidal stabilization for obtaining SrTiO3/TiO2 heterojunction: Microstructural evolution in the interface and photonics properties

16 de março de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

Electrosteric colloidal stabilization for obtaining SrTiO3/TiO2 heterojunction: Microstructural evolution in the interface and photonics properties Abstract: Researches on solids heterojunctions has proven to be an important field for technological applications due to synergism achieved by interface phenomena. […]


Pesquisa do CDMF é destaque na revista Galileu

7 de março de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

O artigo de André Farias de Moura, professor do Departamento de Química da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (DQ – UFSCar) e pesquisador do Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais (CDMF) em parceria com pesquisadores da […]


EDTA-functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles

6 de março de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

EDTA-functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles Abstract: This study analyzes the synthesis and characterization of functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The syntheses were performed using the co-precipitation method under different experimental conditions: nitrogen atmosphere versus ambient atmospheric […]

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