Evaluation of the Oxo-bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium Ammine Complex as Redox Mediator in an Electrochemical Biosensor

Electroanalysis Volume: 28 Issue: 3 Pages: 562-569 Published: 2016

(A) Cyclic voltammograms obtained for GOx/oxobridged dinuclear ruthenium amine/Nafion/GC electrode in 0.1 molL-1 acetate-buffer solution in the absence (a) or the presence of glucose: 2.50×10¢5 (b); 3.76×10−5 (c); 4.97×10-5 (d); 6.20×10-5 (e); 7.44×10-5 (f); 9.90×10-5 (g); 1.23×10-4 (h); and 1.47×10-4 molL-1 (i). Scan rate 25 mVs-1. (B) Analytical curve obtained by the peak current vs. [glucose] in solution.

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Writers: Paulo A. Raymundo-Pereira; Ana C. V. Mascarenhas; Marcos F. S. Teixeira

Keywords: Biosensor; Electrochemical

Abstract: The mediation of electron-transfer by oxo-bridged dinuclear ruthenium ammine [(bpy)2(NH3)RuIII(µ-O)RuIII(NH3)(bpy)2]4+ for the oxidation of glucose was investigated by cyclic voltammetry. These ruthenium (III) complexes exhibit appropriate redox potentials of 0.131–0.09 V vs. SCE to act as electron-transfer mediators. The plot of anodic current vs. the glucose concentration was linear in the concentration range between 2.52×10−5 and 1.00×10−4 mol L−1. Moreover, the apparent Michaelis-Menten kinetic (KMapp) and the catalytic (Kcat) constants were 8.757×10−6 mol L−1 and 1,956 s−1, respectively, demonstrating the efficiency of the ruthenium dinuclear oxo-complex [(bpy)2(NH3)RuIII(µ-O)RuIII(NH3)(bpy)2]4+ as mediator of redox electron-transfer.

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