One-pot synthesis: a simple and fast method to obtain ceramic
superconducting materials
Abstract: The one-pot method focuses on the reduction of the number of steps or chemical reactions in the synthesis of materials, and it is very appealing in terms of sustainability. In addition to this point of view, superconductors are desired materials due to their unusual properties, such as the zero resistivity and the perfect diamagnetism. One-pot, Thus, in this work, we described the one-pot synthesis of YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconducting ceramic. In just two steps and a few hours, a polymer composite solution was prepared, which originates a powder after burning the polymer out with pure phase and with superconducting properties better than those produced by other techniques.
Author(s): Rotta, M; Pessoa, AL; Carvalho, CL; Deimling, CV; Lisboa-Filho, PN; Ortiz, WA; Zadorosny, R
Materials Chemistry and Physics
Published: August 2019
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2019.122607