Abstract: The shape and size dependent nanomaterials for energy and environment related application is the need of the hour in the area of nanoscience and environmental applications. Shape evolution of delafossite CuAlO2 nanostructures with fascinating shapes like oval, flowers, spheres and hexagons were successfully synthesized by surfactant assistant facile and environment friendly hydrothermal process. Tuning the different morphologies were possible using different surfactants. The prepared samples were systematically characterized using X-ray diffraction, micro-Raman spectroscopy for phase analysis and structural information. The chemical state of CuAlO2 atomic species were determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Electron microscopy images exposed the surface morphology of nanostructures with average size in the range ~ 40 to 90 nm. The prepared CuAlO2 nanostructures not only possess unique morphology but also influence the gas sensing performance towards ozone gas. Among the four morphologies, CuAlO2 hexagonal structure exhibits excellent response toward ozone gas for 200 ppb at 250 °C. These result show that not only does the morphology play an major role but also the particle size, surface area and grain-grain contact as projected through the gas sensing mechanism. Finally, we consider CuAlO2 nanostructures as a good candidate for real time monitoring of ozone gas.
Seminarista: Thirumalairajan, S. Pós-doc do CCMC
Data e horário: Dia 22/10/2015, quinta feira, das 10 h às 11 h
Local: Sala 14, Prédio Administrativo do IFSC (embaixo do anfiteatro Prof. Sérgio Mascarenhas)