
Grupo do CDMF discute novas abordagens de pesquisa

29 de janeiro de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

Os pesquisadores Thales Rafael Machado, Miguel San-Miguel e Edison Z. da Silva, realizaram na última semana uma reunião de trabalho para discutir novas abordagens de pesquisa para compreensão do comportamento das nanopartículas. Um dos temas destacados […]


Nanoscale investigation of ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties in (Pb,Ca)TiO3 thin films grown on LaNiO3/LaAlO3(1 0 0) and Pt/Si(1 1 1) using piezoresponse force microscopy

29 de janeiro de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

Nanoscale investigation of ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties in (Pb,Ca)TiO3 thin films grown on LaNiO3/LaAlO3(1 0 0) and Pt/Si(1 1 1) using piezoresponse force microscopy Abstract: Single phase polycrystalline and strong textured Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 (PCT24) thin films have been grown on platinum coated silicon […]


N-doping SrTiO3@SrCO3 heterostructure electrode: Synthesis, electrochemical characterization, and varistor application

26 de janeiro de 2018 LAbI UFSCar 0

N-doping SrTiO3@SrCO3 heterostructure electrode: Synthesis, electrochemical characterization, and varistor application Abstract: Optical traditional techniques, such as diffusive reflectance spectroscopy, are used to confirm absorption behavior modification after anion doping process. However, the doping process in some materials […]

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